Big success of first Romanian premium LG licensed laundromat

Segment: Licensed Laundromat – Smart Laundry Lounge
Business type: self-service laundromat
Year: 2021

About first Romanian LG Laundry Lounge laundromat

The city of Bacău in the east of Romania had a unique opportunity of becoming the host of the first LG Laundry Lounge laundromat in the country. First premium laundromat’s success fuelled high demand for this business and this story continues to expand to other Romanian cities ever since.

We talked to our Romanian partner to find out how the process of opening a licensed laundromat in Bacău went for its owner.

“People who enter this business don’t necessarily want to get rich overnight but ensure a steady income and stable future for themselves. The laundry industry is crisis-resistant and demand for laundry services is growing every day.”

BW partner in Romania

BW partner in Romania

Challenges: Looking for a new perspective business venture

Talking about his clients who start their laundry businesses with his support, our Romanian partner points out:

“People who enter this business don’t necessarily want to get rich overnight but ensure a steady income and stable future for themselves. The laundry industry is crisis-resistant and demand for laundry services is growing every day.”

Lady who owns Bacău’s LG Laundry Lounge already had entrepreneurial experience since she was an owner of the transport company. She was looking for something new she could invest her capital in and self-service laundry was exactly what she wanted – new and original but at the same time very secure business venture!

The owner researched on the Internet a lot and eventually contacted our BW partner in Romania. He recalls:

“In the beginning, she faced the challenge of finding an adequate location for the laundry, but that was successfully resolved and the process of realization could begin.

Solution: Steady business for steady future

The owner decided the laundry business was the path she wants to take and, once the space was found, things started moving pretty quickly. As with every LG Laundry Lounge opening, she was given a standard package of services.”

Delivered products

Delivered services

  • strong guidelines and best practices
  • clear instructions for interior adaptation (to make sure the space is optimally used)
  • 3D modelling (including the space and installation plan)
  • guidelines for interior design (with an accent on strong visual identity)
  • opening ceremony planning

A devices package that LG Laundry Lounge is equipped with enables optimal work of the self-service laundry. This way clients don’t have to wait for others to finish so they could use the equipment.

When it comes to payment, clients have different options. Since LG professional devices can be easily connected to various billing systems – from classic coin boxes to contactless payment systems, clients can choose between paying with coins or tokens or with cards.

Another factor that our partner stresses as very important and contributing to the laundromat’s success is the owner’s commitment to promotion: “She is doing a great job in promoting her business on social media, she is very prompt and active!”

Social networks content of LG Laundry Lounge laundromat, Bacau, Romania

“The owner is very satisfied with our collaboration. She gave me her trust in the very beginning and together we walked step-by-step to the first Romanian laundromat’s success.”

BW partner in Romania

Result: The first Romanian laundromat’s success

“The owner is very satisfied with our collaboration. She gave me her trust in the very beginning and together we walked step-by-step to the first Romanian laundromat’s success. She knows she can always come to me with any question or situation where she needs help” our partner concludes and adds:

“Anyone can buy the equipment at a slightly lower price, but what do you do afterwards? That is an option that always turns out way more expensive in the end. With expert support, you get access to all the knowledge and skills acquired through years and years of work. We are together at every stage – from idea to realization and aftersales support!

You’re dreaming of starting your own self-service laundry? Become a part of the LG Laundry Lounge family! LG Laundry Lounge laundries are a fantastic opportunity if you want the recognition of the LG brand and top LG professional devices, a ready-made visual identity and international networking.